
Caillaux Family

196 people on file
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All details for people born after 01/01/1910 are restricted to protect their identities. If you are a registered user you can view these details and edit record. Everybody is free to browse the unrestricted records. If you think anybody here matches into your family tree, please let me know

Site Statistics
Area Number
People On File 415
Census records 0
Images 581
Document Transcripts 53
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Juan y su familia
Juan Manuel Vilches Caillaux
Upcoming Anniversaries
Births Date Anniversary
Sonia ???? Caillaux 04/02/0000 2025 years
Pierre Xavier Marie Caillaux & Marie Therese Homberg 12/02/1910 115 years
Clara Josefa Marian Frescarode 09/02/1931 94 years
Eduardo Francisco Caillaux Chavaneix 16/02/1931 94 years
Last 20 People Updated
Person Updated
Armando Eduardo Caillaux Marian 16/10/2019
Lelia Isabel Portugal Cano de Caillaux 27/01/2018
Carlos Caillaux Chavaneix 27/01/2018
Bonifacia Taipe 27/01/2018
Francisca Loeser Astaburuaga 15/01/2018
Rolando Alberto Caillaux Marian 30/12/2017
Albertina Anani Caillaux Benavente 27/09/2017
Aurelio Delgado Zuniga 04/12/2016
Angélica Fernández Baca Farfán de los Godos 24/11/2016
Angel Caillaux Ponce de Leon 24/11/2016
Eduardo Francisco Caillaux Chavaneix 24/11/2016
Carlos Marian Frescarode 24/11/2016
Amelie Caillaux Chavaneix 24/11/2016
Clara Josefa Marian Frescarode 18/11/2016
Blanca Rosa Marian Frescarode 04/01/2016
Juan Marcelo Marian 04/01/2016
Margot Blanca Caillaux Marian 04/01/2016
Clara Caillaux Valencia 02/06/2015
Jacqueline Caillaux Valencia 02/06/2015
Luis (Lucho) Caillaux Angulo 02/06/2015

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