Pedigree of Alfonso Contreras Caillaux

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Alejandro Contrera
Alfonso Contreras Caillaux
Francois Amand Caillaux Spolier
Born: 08/03/1852 at France
Luis (Luchito) Agustin Caillaux Fernandez
Born: 28/08/1896 at Arequipa, Peru
Died: 01/01/1990 of Skin Cancer 96 years old
Tomasa Fernandez
Born: at Chuquibamba, Peru
Estela Caillaux Vizcardo y Guzman
Born: 03/02/1935
Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzman
Born: 00/00/1747 at Pampacolca, Arequipa, Peru
Died: 00/00/1798 of Died in London
Rosa Elvira Vizcardo y Guzman
Born: 00/00/1897 at Chachas en la provincia de Castilla - Peru

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