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Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (2704 reads)
Hi everyone,
I have been informed by my web hosting company that the issue is not one of hacking after all, so that is a huge relief!!
The problem seems to be a lack of updates on my behalf of the PHP Nuke platform that I am using.
I am in the process of having this rectified, so please bear with us as it may take a little time.
Meanwhile if you desire to view entries in our family geneaology tree then please go to:
If you are a direct descendant of our family line and have requested access to view all entries there, please know there will be a delay on this until the existing platforms new version has been installed and updated. We thank you for your patience. Lizzy
| Score: 0
Hilda Marian Caillaux is turning 90 - Daughter of Amelie Caillaux Chavaniex
Posted by lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (6277 reads)
Lizzy writes "Hilda Marian Caillaux, daughter of Amelie Caillaux Chavanieux (Amelie was the only daughter of our common grandfather Francois Armand Caillaux) and Carlos Marian, will be turning 90 years old on the 10th of April this year 2009.
Hilda lives in Sydney Australia and her son Ariel has organised for a birthday party on the 4th of April to celebrate her and surround her with family on the occassion......."
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Gracias por la Bienvenida
Posted by lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (5981 reads)
Lizzy writes "Lizzy,
No sé si hayas tenido conocimiento de esta vertiente de la familia, los origenes de los cuales tengo conocimiento sólo se remontan a mi abuelo llamado Angel Caillaux Ponce de León, nacido en el año 1900, en la provincia de Anta/Cusco/Perú, quien se casó con Angélica Fernández Baca Farfán de los Godos y procrearon 7 hijos: Alberto, Aleja, Ana, Marina, Raúl, José e Hilda. Soy el primer hijo de José Caillaux Fernández Baca y estoy casado con Roxana Montesinos Núñez; tengo tres hijos: Joseph André Julién, Angel y Marcelo Fabián (todos pequeños). Nací y viví en Lima, tuve poco contacto con la familia de Lima, soy Abogado y actualmente vivo en el Cusco, trabajo en Machupicchu y estaría gustoso que esta rama familiar se integre al árbol genealógico.
Gracias por tu atención.
José Caillaux"
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Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (16837 reads)
La familia de quien en vida fue don
Invita a la misa que celebrar?n el d?a Martes 26 de Setiembre de 2006 a horas 8.00 p.m. en la Iglesia San Felipe Ap?stol, Calle Marconi 180, San Isidro, conmemorando el primer mes de su sensible fallecimiento.
Agradecemos profundamente a todas las personas que expresaron su afecto y condolencias, as? como a quienes nos acompa?en en este acto religioso.
Lima, Setiembre 23 de 2006.
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March Birthdays - Past & Present - And it's my 40th this month!
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (4427 reads)
Francois Armand Caillaux Spolier - 08/03/1852 - 154 years - The common grandfather to most of us on our genealogy tree - 1st Caillaux from our family to go to Lima Peru at age 18 from France.
Rolando Alberto Caillaux Marian - 16/03/1909 - 97 years - My grandad - son of Eduardo Caillaux Chavaneix
Margot Blanca Caillaux Marian - 17/03/1907 - 99 years - My grandads older sister - daughter of Eduardo Caillaux
Amelie Caillaux Chavaneix - aunty of Rolando & Margot above and daughter of Francois Armand, who's birthday it is above as well. 17/03/1884 - 122 years
Paul Martin - Husband of Michelle Caillaux 17/3/1961 - 45 years old
Giselle Paola Berrios del Canto - daughter of Javier Berrios Caillaux, grand daughter of Olga Ana Caillaux - 29/03/1973 -33 years old
Vivienne Odette Mossert Caillaux - My 1st cousin - daughter of Odette Caillaux - grand daughter of Rolando Alberto Caillaux above -30/03/1971-35 years
Elizabeth Sandra Caillaux - Me - daughter of Rolando Eduardo Caillaux - grand daughter of Rolando Alberto Caillaux above -31/03/1966 - 40 years old.
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January 2006 has gone, now February brings us new Birthdays!
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (3013 reads)
Happy Birthday to all of you born in February.
Your birth-day is a time to remember that you were a gift brought to us all.
David Daniel Gonzalez Caillaux 04/02/1983 23 years old
Cristian Javier Alejandro Berrios del Canto 11/02/1972 34 years old
Hannah Martin Caillaux 12/02/1994 12 years old
Jose Pedro Berrios Caillaux 13/02/1949 57 years old
Javier Berrios Caillaux 15/02/1947 59 years old
Marcela Paz Cortinez Berrios 15/02/1967 39 years
Olga Ana Caillaux Marian 23/02/1915 91 years
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Family Birthday wishes for January 2006
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (10191 reads)
Happy New Year! We start this year with warm birthday wishes to:
Javiera Antonia Schular Berrios
14/01/2005 1 years
Itala Zazzali Dapelo
19/01/1919 87 years
Jamie Caillaux Sepulveda
22/01/1974 32 years
Andrea Bacigalupo Caillaux
25/01/2000 6 years
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Lucette Madeleine Caillaux has arrived!!!
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (6562 reads)
Lucette Caillaux arrived into the world at 2pm last Sunday the 18th of December.
First daughter of my brother Rolando and Louise Caillaux.
Lucette was born 7 pounds, 50cm long, with her eyes wide open, with long fingers, toes and a very active tongue. She is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are as you can imagine all so happy here in Sydney with this gift that has been sent to bless us this Christmas.
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A new baby for the Caillaux Family
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (19178 reads)
As an aunt to be, I am proud to announce to all Caillaux's, site members and friends, that Rolando Caillaux (my brother) and his wife Louise Morgan Caillaux, are blissfully expecting their first child; the beautiful little person is due to join us on the 19th of December, just in time for Christmas.
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Conferencia de la Familia Caillaux en Chile 2006
Posted by Lizzy on Tuesday, November 30 @ 00:00:00 EST (9602 reads)
Con mucho agrado y gran entusiasmo anuncio que estamos organizando una reuni?n de la Familia Caillaux en Santiago de Chile para Abril de 2006.
?Esta puede ser una de esas oportunidades ?nicas en la vida para que todos nos reun?mos en un s?lo lugar y nos encontremos con nuestro pasado, nuestro presente y nuestro futuro!
*****plo 40 a?os el 31 de Marzo de 2006 y mis maravillosos padres decidieron regalarme un viaje a Chile por un mes como regalo por llegar a mi mayor?a de edad (?la edad responsable!). As? que por supuesto, esto me puso a pensar...
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